On please.com, you can create your own curated trip or customize other people's trips and make your own combinations.
For example, lets click on Trips and list all the trips. Then, select one of the trips. You will see something like this, on our trip view page, providing a brief overview about the selecting trip:
As can be seen, related tags, number of days in the trip, number of countries and cities visited will be provided, alongside the daily details.
To further customize, user is asked to select dates and number of guests who'd like to attend to this trip, just below the trip image.
Then user must click on "customize this trip" button to continue.
Then user will be landed on our trip organizer page, where many details about the trip can be changed. First thing on the trip organizer page is, user is able to change the trip cover with a custom image.
Also trip name and location can also be changed, as displayed below:
After setting trip name and location, you can customize services within days. You can :
* Add a service (accommodation, activities, food)
* Add notes to a day to make some reminders or actions
* Adding and Deleting days
* Changing trip dates
* Selecting service option (like selecting room and board type option as shown below)
* Delete service(s) from day(s)
1. Adding A Service
To add a service to a day, click on Add Service button. A new search window will open, looking for services on trip destination, as shown below. If you want to add it, just click on + Add to trip
button on service image.
When clicked on + Add to trip button, system will ask you to to select on which day service should be added, by selecting these checkboxes.
After selection, service will be added to the related day.
If you click on Go back to "Trip Name" link, you will be redirected to the trip organizer page.
2. Adding A Note to a Day
To add a note, click on +Add Note button next to the +Add Service button. You will be able to create and update notes for each day of your trip.
By clicking on the dustbin icon on the right, you can also remove the note you have created.
3. Adding and Deleting Days
By clicking on the + button on the top left part of the screen, where trip days are being displayed below Please.com logo.
If you click on + button, a new day will be added in given display, to be highlighted as red. This indicates there are no services added yet for the new added day.
Deleting days is simple, just clicking on Delete this day button, next to the day name would be enough.
4. Changing trip dates
You are only allowed to change start date of the trip, end date would be automatically calculated according to the trip content.
5. Selecting Service Option
Considering accommodation and activities, service options will be displayed. For accommodation, each result is a combination of a room, meal type and cancel policy combination.
For activities, each result would be one activity option that can be booked. It is compulsory to make a selection, if there are multiple options that can be booked.
6. Deleting Service From A Day
If there is a service in your trip which is not available or you don't want to book, you can delete it. Clicking on the gear icon next to each service displays checkboxes, indicating that given service has been added to the checked day.
If you click on an unchecked day, system will also add related service to that day. You can remove a service by unchecking a service.
If related service has only been added on one day, system will ask confirmation before removal, as shown below: